Thursday, July 7, 2011

Controlled Area Network Board

Cocntrolled Area Network Board

For this CAN board we used the dual channel oslliscope wich we campare the High CAN and Low CAN data.
Pin # 1  is the High CAN and Pin # 2 is Low CAN , High CAN wire color is Blue and Low CAN color is yellow.

On your capture also were the data pattren start and finishes.

Channel 2 is High and 1 volt per division
Channel 1 is low and 1.40  volts per division
These pattern are two channels high and low they are like miror opposite of each other , we can see on this oscilloscope pattren wich channel 1 is going high from 0 volt to 1volt and the channel 2 is going down 1.4v to 0 volt or gronding.

For each of the following capture the pattern and identify were it changes in relation to the original pattern.

                                         Right indicator

                                              Rear wiper

                                            Reverse light

                                              Stop light

                                               Fuel pump
we can see on these oscilloscope capture wich i marked , the fist pattern the data transmitted wich thrugh the system the dece which is adressed , the commonication process controll and examined .

Using the wiring diagram and CAN board identify the input / output pins , wire . colurs and realay or transistor for the right hand indicator and rear wiper.

For the right hand indicator the input pin is #7 and the pin # 7 risitor 5 signal go throgh to pin #6 to IC 18f, the output is IC9 to transistor U7wich signal goes throgh to righ hand indicator light.
For the wiper pin # 9 go throgh to pin # 25 the output to transitor U14 switch to relay 4 wich is switching the wiper.
The voltage regulator for control unite A also that is voltage regulator for control unite B wich LM7805 Ic the output voltage is 5v and the input voltage is come throgh to #1 leg of regulator, pin#3 is the feed back leg wich come into pin#2,the diode are used to for the smoot signal of capacitor . these supply voltage regulator for the control unie A and b are Pin 20 of mc 18f258 and pin 3 for 1c4 and pin 5 for IC5 and pin # 14 for the mcp 2505.

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